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Match Preview – St Leonards Social

Wednesday 21st April 2021

Match Preview – St Leonards Social Wednesday 21st April 2021

Premier & Division 1 Cup
Group Match 3

St Leonards Social
South Coast Athletico

Wednesday 21st April 2021
18:30 Kick Off
Tilekiln Recreation

Chopbacks look to build on first win

Following the Chopbacks first win of the Premier & Division 1 tournament the squad turn their attentions towards Premier Division club St Leonards Social in their first midweek fixture of the group stage.

For those that are looking to come and support the guys, see below for the address of where we will be playing:

Tilekiln Recreation
Queensway Avenue South
St Leonards-on-Sea
TN38 9AG

Please note, under no circumstances are drugs or alcohol permitted to be consumed on the premises during the match, anyone found to be consuming such substances shall be asked to leave by both the club & the facility staff.

Spectators are not permitted to attend sporting events taking place on private land, other than adults needed to supervise under-18s that they have a responsibility for or providing care or assistance to a person with disabilities participating in an organised sporting event or activity. They should maintain social distance and not mix with other households.

This does not prevent people from viewing recreational or organised sport that is taking place in a public space, such as a park, in groups of up to 6 people or 2 households.

Complete guidance for grass roots football can be found on the government website or by clicking here.

Can’t make it to the game?

Click the below link to follow live match updates:

Matchday Live

Thank you to our sponsors for the 2020/21 Season:

Want to get involved with us for the upcoming season?
Contact us to find our what sponsorship packages we could offer your business.